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Interesting Fishing Links

Links to pages I have come across – Latest links at top

Some great fish artworks and fishing photos at FishArt

Ultra-realistic flies.

Two casts to increase your surfcasting distances.
The ‘Off the Ground‘ cast to increase distance over the usual Overhead cast.
The ‘Pendulum‘ cast for maximum distance. Please take careful note of the warnings about this cast, and become proficient in the "Off the Ground Cast" before trying the Pendulum cast.

A Primer on Czech Nymphing from Fish and Fly
Czech Nymphing from Sexy Loops

Tips for taking a kid fishing – every fishing parent should read.

The Last link – good, detailed article on knots.

An ingenious Glo-bug (Roe imitation fly) tool – and you can make one yourself!

Good clear illustrations of fishing knots

Spey casting is great for long distance fly casting – learn how.

How to tie loops on the end of your fly-line

No scales – here’s a formula for calculating a fish’s weight from measurements

Building a better Baby-Bugger – the fly that is!

How to set up a fly-line and backing on a reel

Great article on reading the water

Whip finish flies without a using a tool!

Facts on Sharks from National Geographic

Specialist Surfcasting Tackle (NZ)

Maori Greenstone (NZ Jade) Hook Ornament