Questions are sorted alphabetically (mostly 🙂 – but with a few
frequently asked questions (FAQ) at the top.
Some words (in brackets and italics) are intentionally misspelt to match common misspellings when searching.
Language and spelling is UK English, with a little bit of Kiwi thrown in.
Most Frequently Asked Questions:
Alvey system
backlash (bird's nest)
bait fishing basics
bait for garfish(piper)
bait on hook
bait presentation
bait rigging
baiting hook
balloon fishing
bass - sea
beginners guide
berley, ground bait - recipe
berley, berley feeder,
frozen ground bait
Snapper spots
biggest yellowtail kingfish
blue cod
Boom Riggs
bottom fishing
burley, berley, chum, ground bait, ground-bait
casting technique
catching snapper
drift fishing
finding fish
fish lures
fish preparation
fish sounder
fish with Bish
fishing baitfish
fishing charters
fishing kahawai
fishing lures sold on TV
fishing sayings
fishing spots
garfish (piper)
Hapuku (hapuka) - Fish Info
how to rig open cast reels
jig fishing
kahawai (kawai)
kingfish ID
kingfish identification
kite fishing
piper baiting
piper or garfish recipe
rigs -for what??! fish or oil.
rod ratings
salt water fishing tips and tricks
sea bass
set hook
snapper (schnapper)
snapper bait
snapper identification
super duper fishing lure
World Records
yellowtail kingfish
Bead fly
Belt Up in Waders
big brown trout
big brown trout (2)
brown trout
Booby fly
Booby Fly - Tying
Cast a fly rod
Cast a spinning rod
Choosing a Guide
Fishing Smarter for Trout
Finding Trout
Finding trout in Lakes
Fly fishing knots
fly fishing tackle
fresh water license
Fresh water regulations
Jigging for Trout
Jigging tackle
Move fly-line on water ready to cast
Night fishing
Riffle lies
Rod actions
Roll Cast
spotting trout
saltwater fly
skinny dip fly
Spinning tackle
Taupo regulations
Trolling tackle
wader belt
best time to fish
buck fever
can fish see colours
cast a spinning rod
catch limits
Colours fish see
fishing hook sizes
hook sizes
Fishing Tips
freezing fish
Icing down fish
fishing quotes and aphorisms
funny fishing quotes
hook measurements
hook sizes
how to tie uni-knot
keeping fish fresh
knife sharpening
line twist
Mustad hook sizes
Sharpen hooks
tying a line
tying knots
New Zealand Seasons
who is Bish
who gets the record?
World Record Line Classes
World Records
Milly & Ted's Big Day Out Fishing
They'd ‘had words’. Their faces and body language told the story, even to a casual observer.
Onlookers, and there were a good few of us, studied clouds to see if we could find faces in them, or did a detailed inspection of our shoe laces to make sure they remained tied, trying to stifle laughter.