Unfortunately, the publisher of my books has closed down. I am working at bringing some of the books (suitably up-dated) as e-books, and available free here.
Tony's first book, Fishing Smarter was first published in 1997, and was reprinted at least once a year for 8 years. In 2006 Tony completely rewrote the original book and added over 50% more content.
Some changes are simply updates brought about by changes in the
technology and equipment. There is plenty of new material too – new
stuff that pops up continually in the fishing world as fishermen share
their knowledge. [ More ]
In life, as in fishing;" If we continue doing things the same way as we have always done them, we will always get the same results."
If anglers want to catch more or bigger fish than they are catching
now, then something about the way they fish must change. This book
seeks to explore the things that fishermen who catch more and bigger
fish do that make them more successful.
"Here is a piece of information all fishermen need to know – at any one time, trout are found in less than 10% of the water they live in – often in much less than 10%. This is an important piece of information. In any river, stream or lake only 10 percent or less of the all that water will contain trout."
If you want to become one of the 10% of fishermen who catch 90% of the
fish you need to know where trout can be found more often, and then
how to fish for them, when you find them.
This book is aimed at new trout anglers. It contains all the
information that you will need to start catching fish.
It covers the equipment you need to set up for fly fishing, where to
find trout, and the techniques you need to put a fly in the right
place to hook a trout.
There are plenty of tips and tricks to help you on your way.
Aimed at new fishermen this book contains all the information that you
will need to start catching fish.
It covers rigs and tackle, knots, what baits to use and how to rig
them, and what to look for when selecting places to fish.
There are plenty of tips and tricks to help you on your way.