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All General Fishing Stories & Articles Index

Articles & Stories on fishing in general, covering saltwater & fly fishing

“Fish” Used in Idioms to Brighten Up The English Language Over 35 idioms featuring the word fish.

Cheats and Fishing

I prefer to believe that the vast majority of fishermen do not cheat. But the cheats might lend an ear to that old but very true adage: "It is a bloody big wheel that does not turn full circle."

If you want fresh fish-chill out!
How to keep freshly caught fish, fresh for the table.

How to remove a hook from a human – with the minimum of pain, (usually completely painless), and safely.

5 Rules for Releasing Fish to Maximise Survival – covers both fresh and salt water fish

Sharpen Up Your Act
Using a sharp knife is the key to making fish preparation easier, and more satisfying. Attempting to fillet fish with a blunt knife is difficult, and dangerous. So how do you sharpen a knife, and keep it sharp?

The Sharp End
Just why are there so many fishing hook patterns, sizes and styles? Here are a few answers.

Twist And Shout
Line twist can make anglers very bitter and twisted, especially when fish are on the bite…

Knot a Problem
Problems with tying fishing knots? Check this out.How to tie secure knots every time.

The Sounds of Silence
Is sound and noise a problem when fishing? Noise – Part 1

More Noise
More on the subject of noise and fishing. Noise Part 2

Our Place in the scheme of things.
Sometimes it can seem we are very small on this planet of ours.

Feed cats fish?
There is another way!

My Oath
Is swearing really so necessary in fishing, well sometimes a curse or two may not go amiss.

Light tackle fishing
Is light tackle fishing really sporting – this article got me in a lot of trouble here in New Zealand.

Is there a place for fishing competitions?
Is there any good reason why dead-fish-to-win contests are allowed to continue.

What's in it For Me?
Is fishing economically viable?

Just One More
Thoughts on the last cast.

Milly and Ted's Big Day Out Fishing
A bit of humour.

Is patience necessary to be a good fisherman?

It is not what you catch but what you learn.
A look at why some fishermen regularly reach their fishing objectives and why most do not.

Fishing under pressure to perform
Deadlines and Editors are a volatile and voluble mixture. The closer the deadline the more voluble and volatile the Editor becomes. A peek into the trials of writing for fishing magazines.

Gimme A Break
Breaking a fishing rod is serious business, isn't it?

Much Ado About Nothing
Sometimes finding something to dredge out of the dark recesses of the brain and onto paper can be a bit of a trial for the regular fishing writer…

I didn't do that did I? Life's little fishing moments.

Afloat in a Sea of Anticipation
The joys of fishing with a float.

First Lessons
Fishing lessons learnt young last the longest.

"Fish Your Feet First"
Fish may be closer than you think.

Little Things Mean A Lot
The distance between disaster and delight can be a very short step indeed, especially when fishing. A case or two in point.

Lies, Clichés and Possibilities
Is there some truth under the lies fishermen tell?

Muddy Waters
What denizens of the deep lurk in the creek out the back?

Promises, Promises
Never, ever promise a feed of fish, and why.

A Fish Called Nelson
Why we should break the 'rules' and ignore fishing dogma when fishing.

I didn't do that did I? Life's little fishing moments.

Once is Enough
Hey, be careful out there on the water. How I learned my lesson.

The Lure of Lures
How many fishing lures is enough?

Buck Fever
When all reason is lost at the sight of fish.

How to Achieve a Better Casting Technique
'Loading' a fishing rod is the key to casting success.

The Only Thing That is Certain, Is Nothing is Certain
There are no rules about fishing tackle that can be applied universally.

Fishing on the Edge
How fishing on the edge increases your chances

Why Does Fishing Line Break?
Distortion is the Truth

First Impressions
How salmon fishing set me off on a lifetime of fishing.

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Article written by Tony Bishop

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