Use multiple words – This will return more refined results than a search from a single word.
Use quotation marks to force exact matches. For example, search for "night fishing".
Use plus (+) or minus (-) operators – Precede a search term or phrase with a plus (+) sign to indicate it must appear in a search result. Precede a search term with a minus (-) sign to indicate an undesirable search term or phrase that must not appear in a search result. For example, searching for +trout -brown will return results that are about trout, but not about brown trout.
Check the spelling of words before trying to search –
huge numbers of searches go nowhere
because of incorrect spelling.
Use field searches – Field searches allow you to search for words that appear in a specific part of a document such as the body text (body:), title text (title:), alt text (alt:), meta description (desc:), meta keywords (keys:) or URL (url:). The field name should include the colon and precede the search word or phrase with no spaces between them. For example, searching for – title:jigs – will find pages with jigs in the title of the page.