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Bish & Fish in New Zealand Site Map

Fishing stories, articles, fishing tips and tricks, fishing books, fishing quotes & sayings, on fly-fishing and salt-water fishing.

Bowing to trout? How bowing to a trout can reduce bust-offs, especially on fast-action rods.

Trout dying for a good photo? ‘Grip and grin’ can turn into ‘grip and kill’.

Catching big brown trout in New Zealand – an obsession?

Swinging Wet Flies or Nymphs on Streams and Small Rivers

New Zealand High Country, High Tussock, Huge Hideous Fly – Perfect!

Tenkara Fly-Fishing System – Good and Bad

What does a fly-rod's 'action' mean?

Unexpectedly Great Fishing – Again

Tenkara, where old meets new.

Perfect cast for very tight places.

Foam Flies For Fabulous Fly Fishing

Imitation or Approximation When Fly Tying

Was the fishing really that good back then?

How to fish and tie Bead flies – the full story

What is the best time to go trout fishing?

Can Dogma Blind us to opportunity when Fishing?

What colours do trout see? How can we use this information?

How to fish and tie the deadly Booby Fly

14lb brown caught on a lumo fly – another myth busted

A log of a Fish in the fog? A little stream with big browns

Start slow, finish fast, stop dead for better casts

Do trout 'pluck' at flies? Some say not, are they right?

Unexpected fishing  – again, great fishing when least expected

Fishing a nymph where the river enters a lake?

How a salmon started me on a lifetime of fishing?

Temptation – a bit of humour and a bit of a lesson

Zorro and the fly fishing rod – a sad tale of a beautiful rod

Does a ten foot fly rod make you a better caster and angler?

Fly-rod ‘actions’ – what do they mean? All is revealed.

Catch and Release Dogma – Is it right for all situations?

How a Computer can enhance your memory of a fish?

Czech nymphing is highly effective and easy to learn

Sometimes when you least expect it, you find exceptional fishing

A famous fisherman's dirty little secret

The most expensive trout you will ever catch?

Get down to the bottom to catch Winter trout

Fishing in a goldfish bowl? A day when it felt like it

Lurking around the edges of lakes can produce great fly fishing

Landing a trout? You hook-up – and now what?

Spotting Trout – How to spot trout to increase your hook-ups

How to read the water to find more trout

Rough up your flies to catch more trout

There is more great fishing in New Zealand than just the South Island

How to find trout to fly-fish to after a flood or high water

Do big bright flies catch brown trout? The answer is a definite maybe.

Fish Used in Idioms to Brighten Up The English Language

The fascination of fishing with a float affects all fishermen

Buck fever can strike at any time when fish are in view

Fishing Cheats – The lengths they go to and how they do it

Competitions – is there a place for them any more?

The economics of recreational fishing – can we justify the price?

Fish the edges to catch more and bigger fish

Beneath the lies fishermen tell, is there some truth

Too often it is the little things that get you into trouble when fishing

Milly and Ted's big day out fishing – a bit of humour

Mud, Mothers and a big eel – the stuff of small legends

Oops – did I really forget to do that? Or was it pre-ordained

The world and a fisherman's place in it

Promising a feed of fish is the kiss of death to fishing success

To kill a shark – which is the most deadly predator here

How to sharpen a knife so filleting fish is easy and a safe experience

It’s not what you catch, but what you learn that is important

Tying better, stronger knots is easy, with some practice

Feed a cat a fish a day? There may be a better way.

The only thing certain in fishing is that nothing is certain

'Fish your Feet' to catch more and bigger fish

How to break a rod – a guide born from experience

How to remove a hook from a human safely and painlessly

For better eating quality keep fresh caught fish cold – very cold

Fishing lessons learnt young last the longest

Is light tackle fishing really sporting or is it an outdated concept?

A long way from home in little boat in rough seas… a harsh lesson

Much Ado About Nothing – a writers occasional dilemma

My Oath – why does swearing infect fishing so deeply

Fishermen and Patience an inseparable pair?

The pressure on a fishing writer to produce by deadline

How to release fish for the maximum survival chance

Hooks – why are there so many styles and sizes?

Line twist – how it forms, how to avoid it and to get rid of it

Where are the fish – an ages old fisherman's enquiry

Just one more cast – the absolutely last cast – or is it?


Publishers Blurb and NZ Fisherman Review


What You Will and Won't Find in This Book

Fishing Regulations in New Zealand

Why is Trout Fishing so Popular

Finding Trout – find where they lie

Spotting Trout

What Do Trout Eat – 1

What Do Trout Eat – 2

What Makes a Trout Bite

The Priorities – Where are the fish, How to Fish to them , What lure or fly to use.

Fishing Rivers:

Fishing Lakes

Fishing at Night – Part 1 and Introduction

Learning to Cast – Basics:

Tying Knots

Hiring a Guide

Mentors & Revelations – Part 1

Mentors & Revelations – Part 2

To Kill a Trout or Not?

If you do decide to kill a trout do it the right way

On the Water Manners

The Last Cast

Other Stuff

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