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Fly-fishing at Taupo, New Zealand

In the Central North Island of New Zealand the rivers that flow into Lake Taupo provide great fishing, much of it all year round.

Experience some of the best wild rainbow trout fishing in the World At Taupo. And there are plenty of wild brown trout too.

trout image

A year in the fishing life of Taupo, in our Taupo Calendar. What happens & when. What to wear, and things to watch out for.

What tackle should you bring to fish for wild fish in big water, and wild fish in not so big water.

Stories from the trout fishing scene in New Zealand. All the stories have been published in New Zealand or overseas fishing magazines.

Important Note:

Remember, felt-soled boots or waders are banned in New Zealand to help stop the spread of Didymo (Rock Snot).

This guide, and the linked pages, are designed to provide background information only and is aimed the 'average angler', fishing in the immediate Lake Taupo area and the rivers that fill it.

People coming to the area for the first time should spend some time on the Web seeking further detailed information.

If you are a skilled angler and want to sample the truly great fishing that is available somewhat distant from the beaten track, the tackle shops in Taupo, Te Rangi-Iata, and Turangi will provide good advice, and recommendations for selecting a guide if required. The more up-market Lodges also ensure that the guides they recommend are very good.

I cannot stress this enough – if you are coming to Taupo primarily for the fishing ensure you get your fishing advice from Tackle Shops or other respected sources.

As is likely in your own local area most fishermen are not as keen as you and fishing is primarily a pastime, often geared towards catching fish to eat, as close to home as possible – much advice you get from 'local' fishermen reflects this.

If this is your BIG fishing trip please get a guide, if only for a day or two to get you 'up-to-speed'. If you can afford it, it will really pay off in great memories.

trout taking fly

Article written by Tony Bishop

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