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Fish with Bish Newsletter
December 2000

Where has the time gone, the last couple of months passed in a blur, and in that blur the November newsletter died of malnutrition. And now it is just two weeks till Xmas and still so much to do, but hey for us, God’s chosen ones, Summer is here and fish are a’jumpin.

Smelting has well and truly started down in the Taupo lakes and some great fishing is being had in the shallows. Might just be my favourite style of freshwater fishing. Stalking and casting to visible fish. There is a truly excellent book out on fishing stillwaters, "Stalking Stillwaters" by Les Hill, published by Halcyon Press, here in NZ. Best book I have seen on the subject, from anywhere.

Speaking of books, my new book, "Tips & Tricks to Catch More Fish" has been out for a few weeks now and appears to be going quite well. This one is on saltwater fishing, and might just help you hook into a few more or bigger snapper and kingis. Leave a note for Santa, you never know it might make its way into your Xmas stocking.

Mark Kitteridge who worked with me at Just Fishin’ and who will be well known to NZ Fishing Magazine readers, has his first book, "Hooked Up On Snapper" Mark’s knowledge of snapper fishing is encyclopaedic. He also reveals a great talent for superb illustration which greatly enhances the book, and makes his information very understandable. Read it – you will learn lots.

New Article
Sharpen Up You Act

Recognize this…..

So, you have had a good day, and now it is time to fillet your catch, but for many fishermen this is the hard part of the whole fishing experience. Often the crew will draw straws to see who will do the filleting, the loser ending up hacking at the flesh. I sometimes wonder if the task of preparing the catch to eat is the prime reason that drives many anglers into the catch and release camp.
Get the good news on sharpening your knives.

So, have a great Xmas wherever you are, and for those of us enjoying the summer months, be careful out there, I have yet to see a fish worth dying for.
