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Fish with Bish Newsletter
December 1999

Well aren’t you lucky chaps, two newsletters in only a couple of weeks. Amazing the things I can get up to when I can get proper access to my site. If the full truth be known, proper access to my brain and round-to-it, as well. Oh dear, how sad, the ravages of age.

And it is the last newsletter of this millennium – although I am getting, probably like you, just a tad sick of all this millennium stuff – it is only a date on the calendar, and I will bet dollars to pennies that the fish will not notice one jot of all this hype. There they will be, swimming about their fishy business, blissfully unaware of the humans flailing themselves into a frenzy waiting to watch the clock tick over, or even sillier, wait up to see the new dawn.

(Although as bit of a gloat towards our overseas friends, guess which country will be the first to see the sun of the new century. Not that that necessarily means we will be the first to see the light!!)

Note: please no letters about whether the new millennium starts at the end of 99 or 00, could not bear it, there is more than enough super-hyped garbage going down, without adding that argument to it.

Besides there is Xmas to get through first, getting the fishing gear ready for the holiday fishing, days in the sun, too much food, a glass or too many of some liquid or other, and maybe even a few fish. Life ain’t half bad, well at least for those of us in the sun of Summer.

New Article
Beating Backlash Blues
Backlashes are a real pain, especially when a hot bite is in progress. Fear not the cure is at hand.

New Book
Trout fishermen, flytiers in particular will just go nuts over a new book out from Halcyon Publishing. It is "The Complete Guide to New Zealand Trout Lures", by Derek Quilliam.
Now for ‘lure’ read streamers, wets, whatever – this book has got the lot. First come the photos, followed by the ingredients for cooking up each lure and the instructions for putting these ingredients together.
This is a truly wonderful book, beautifully put together, a true treasure.

Speaking of books, and look out for a low-flying blatant plug – think about a copy of one of my books as a gift for a fishing Dad, brother, sister, grandfather, friend, mate… you get the picture. Got to pay the rent somehow.

Well that is about it. For those who celebrate it, have a very merry Christmas and a great New Year.

And for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere, be careful out there this Summer on the water, I have not yet seen a fish worth dying for.
