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Fish with Bish Newsletter
January 2000

So another New Year, a new Century, and a new Millennium. And when I woke up on New Year’s day I did not feel the least little bit different.

Should not have worried to much about the year turnover though, none of my rods, reels, line or lures suffered from the Y2K bug, or were going to, so all was pretty much the same as it was last Century.

First Trout
New Zealand was certainly in line for a number of firsts as the clock clicked over midnight, and a mate of mine reckons he may have gone very close to catching the first trout.
He was fishing one of the river mouths that flow into Lake Taupo, and at about five to twelve he fired out what he thought must be close to his last cast – (you must stop fishing at midnight in the Taupo area).
He hooked up on this cast and landed a lovely six-pound hen. He and his fishing partner checked their watches, and it was 3 minutes after midnight. So he took the photo and let the fish swim away. He reckons that he does not care if the fish was the first trout caught anywhere in the world in the new millennium, what he is sure about it was sure his first fish in the year 2000.

New Article
There is no new article this month, I was late getting my copy in. But thinking about the first fish of the year 2000, I thought it may be time to think about last casts. Have a look at an older article about Just One More.

This is a short newsletter this month, as I am trying to pack in as much fishing as possible. Once this job is done I am heading up to the Bay of Islands to chase Kingfish (Southern Yellowtail Kingfish). Hopefully we will get some time chasing gamefish on saltwater fly-rods.

Then it is back down to the Taupo region to chase some smelting trout, and to do some further exploration of a piece of water that holds Brook trout – one of the few NZ waters to do so.

Then with a touch of luck and a fair breeze it is down to the South Island’s West Coast, to try and tangle with some Brown’s.

Hey this New Millennium ain’t half bad, I could get to like it!

Keep safe – there is not a fish in the ocean, lake or river worth dying for!
