Some say that it is a very big wheel indeed that does
not turn full circle. The truth of the old adage proved itself to me
once again just a week or so ago.
I started my fishing writing ‘career’ with NZ Fishing News, and wrote
a monthly column for them for a year or three. Then I got persuaded
to jump ship and started writing for NZ Fisherman magazine. There I
wrote the "Fish n Bish" column for five or six years – until
last week. The same week that it was announced that NZ Fisherman had
been sold to NZ Fishing News. Surprise, surprise.
Must admit that my first feeling was, "Well that is one job lost,"
but I am happy to say I will be writing for the new bigger and brighter,
NZ Fishing News (incorporating NZ Fisherman).
I believe the new situation will be to the good. NZ is a relatively
small market and having one strong magazine backed by the muscle of
INL can only make the magazine stronger.
New Article
My article in the July (and now the final) edition of NZ Fisherman is
on the subject of finding fish. I believe this is the single biggest
factor in separating the good fisherman from the not-so good. Have a
look at "Where are the fish?".
Now, now Nigel do not get excited – I am talking about the
Booby fly. There is an article on fishing and tying the Booby on
my site, and it seems to be attracting a good deal of interest from
around the country and overseas. The fly is being used to catch all
sorts of fish in all manner of water. When I find my round-to-it I will
start a page on what is being caught where. Meantime if you you are
catching fish on a Booby other than trout I would love to hear from
I have now put up a photo of
two Boobies, to provide some more clues as to how to tie them and
how they should look when they are dry and when wet
Taupo Fishery
The fishing down at Taupo has been nothing short of sensational this
winter, and it shows no sign of slowing down. Big fat fish, and plenty
of them. Do not delay. Get your trip in soon. Mind you some of the boffins
at DOC are predicting next year may be even better.
Might be an idea to drag out your wet fly lines and a handful or two
of Olive Woolly Buggers to hang off the end of your line, it is proving
the way to go on the Tongariro.
Well that is about all for now, I am running way behind deadline on
finishing my new book, and my publisher is spitting tacks. For such
a mild mannered man in normal times, he can really build up a good head
of steam when he wants to.