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Fish with Bish Newsletter
July 1998

New Article – Don’t wet that Knot – Tackle tips – Get down in Taupo – Winter for big kingis

New Article

Nymphing the Rip – can you use nymphs where rivers enter lakes. Despite the tradition of using wet flies, nymphs do work in the rip.

Don’t Wet That Knot

Despite the fact that the advances in ‘nylon’ line manufacture over the last twenty years the old (too old) advice to wet your knot before tightening is still prevalent today.

Way back when, ‘nylon’ fishing line was first made, the surface was quite rough. Wetting the line was necessary to avoid heat build-up when the line was drawn up tight. In addition old lines were very stiff. In order to effectively pull all the twists and turns in a tight up tight a good hard pull was required.

Now days line is much thinner, smoother, and much more supple. Wetting the knot and then pulling up hard to ‘seat’ the knot is actually likely to cause a knot failure.

Wetting the knot can lead to the much more supple line of today actually crossing over itself and forming what is called a ‘liar’ knot – that is a knot that disguises where a turn of nylon crosses over another. When this crossover is pulled tight it can actually scythe through the line below it.

Jerking the knot up tight to ‘seat’ the knot is bad practice as well – especially when it is combined with wetting the knot. The jerking is more likely to produce crossovers in the line and weaken the knot.

The best method of tying a knot is to tie it slowly and carefully, ensuring that all the loops and turns lie neatly up against each other. Then slowly pull the knot up tight allowing the knot to form under even pressure. For more on knots

Tackle Tips
Got a Problem With Your Tackle But Not Sure What It Is?

Sometimes you know something may be wrong with your tackle but you are not sure what it is. Here are some hints to reveal hidden problems.

A common hidden rod fault can often lead to bust offs for no apparent reason. Your line just seems to snap in mid-fight. Very often the fault is a crack in the inner ring in a guide. Sometimes these cracks are virtually impossible to see, especially when the rod is not under load. These cracks are lethal on line.

A quick and easy method of finding if there are cracks is to pull a stocking or panty hose through the guide – any crack will instantly snag the stocking. Cotton wool does a good job too.

Another problem that can lead to bust-offs is a sticky drag.

The best way of detecting a sticky drag is to put the reel on a rod, thread the line through the guides and have a friend pull off line while walking away. If the rod tip ‘nods’ as line is pulled off against the drag, you’ve got a problem.

Fortunately both problems are an easy fix, a quick trip to the tackle shop will have the rod or reel back up to speed real soon.

Fly Fishing Taupo in Winter
If Your Fly Is Not On The Bottom
You Are Not Fishing

To consistently catch trout over the winter, in the central North Island, your flies, wet or nymph, must be consistently on or very near the bottom.

Trout moving up river during winter have just one thing on their mind – a spot of naughty bits on a nice gravel bed up the river. To catch these trout means placing your fly right in front of their nose.

When nymphing or using Glo-Bugs it is vital that the nymph spends as much time on the bottom as possible. Heavy nymphs cast well above the probable lie, with a no-drag drift are essential if you are to catch fish.

Your indicator must be bobbing up and down during the drift to show that the nymphs are hitting the bottom. Frequent hook-ups on the bottom are another good indicator that your fly is where it should be. If you are scared of losing flies, then you should expect to catch less fish.

Wet fly fishermen need to ensure that as soon as the cast hits the water, they toss in a big upstream mend to ensure the fly has time to fully sink by the time it reaches the lie. As the fly begins its swing, you should be able to feel the fly bumping and sticking on the bottom.

Most anglers who are having trouble catching fish over winter in the central North Island would increase their catch rates if more concentration was put on where the fly is, rather than what the fly is.

For more on fishing Taupo in the central North Island of New Zealand
