Can you believe – it just a day or two off March already? Still it
is the time for some of the best fishing of the year for trout, big
game and inshore. All the fish will be in peak condition, especially
with the very warm temperatures we have been experiencing.
Weed Whacking
One of the most frustrating things about fishing in weed filled lakes
is the fact that you can hook up on the stuff so often. Instead of pulling
hard on the line in a steady pull try this.
Grab hold of the line near the stripper guide, that is the guide nearest
the reel end of the rod, and give the line a short, hard yank. Very
often this will cut through the weed leaving the fly weed free.
Be prepared for some action, it is amazing how often a fish will hit
the fly very soon after you have used this weed whacking manoeuvre.
It may be that the sudden movement of the weed attracts trout.
Pop-Off your Polaroid’s
A few years ago I was guiding an American client, sight-fishing for
trout around the shores Lakes Taupo and Aniwhenua. Over the course of
the first morning, I noticed that every time we took a break for some
reason or another, he would face away from the direction of the sun
and take off his Polaroid’s for a few minutes.
In fact I began to notice that every time we approached a likely lie
he would take off his glasses for a moment. I questioned him about this
and he theorized that over time our eyes adjust to take account of the
differing light characteristics reaching them because of the glasses.
He believed that by removing them regularly, the heightened ability
to detect contrast changes that occurs when you first put on a pair
of Polaroid’s was re-stimulated. So I tried it and it works for me.
Works in salt water too, especially out game fishing when you are looking
for very movements or small colour changes.
The Three
Types of Angler:
Those who make things happen
Those who wait for something to happen
And those who wonder what happened.