I have just returned from an incredible weeks trout fishing near Taupo.
It was a most unexpected experience. I was down that way working and
expected to only get in fishing in short periods around that work. That
is in fact the time I got – but the fishing in that time was some of
the best I have ever experienced.
There were pools with thirty or more fish holding in them. All silvery
bright, and in immaculate condition. If this is what it is like at the
beginning of the winter runs, we can only guess at how good the fishing
will be over the next two or three months.
I am now in the throes of writing an article on this trip which will
be out in the NZ Fisherman Magazine in the June Issue. Hope I can find
the words to describe this incredible experience.
NZ Fisherman has been making some changes to the magazine that in my
view make it an even more worthwhile read.
They have changed the layout, and while it is not a revolutionary change,
it is now much more cleanly laid out and easier to read.
A change in editorial emphasis is proving popular with it’s readers.
There are now more ‘how-to’ articles, from basic information right through
to new stuff for experienced fishermen. I reckon if you don’t learn
something new every day you should pinch yourself, just to make sure
you are not dead.
I am in the throes of completing my new book, "Tips
& Tricks to Catch More Fish". This is a book
for the saltwater angler and should be out around Father’s day.