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Fish with Bish Newsletter
May 1999

I am writing this newsletter on May 1, and it is fair bucketing down where I am stuck in Auckland. But the good news is that it is starting to rain heavily in the central North Island, filling up the rivers at just the right time.
Already there have been some runs of fish up the Taupo rivers and activity is being reported around Rotorua. The Winter fishing looks very promising indeed.

For some more info on fishing the Taupo region during Winter, have a look at:
Taupo Index

New Article

My new article, Blue Moon, – was ‘previewed in last months newsletter. While out fishing a little while back on a very bright moonlit night, my mind started to wander. What if fish, like many birds, can see colours that we did not until recently know even existed in bird’s feathers. This could open up a completely new dimension to fly tying.

Saltwater Fishing Still Keeps On Keeping On

Despite the fact that Winter is nearly upon us, the warm tropical water has still not departed the northern coasts.
Inshore fishing for snapper and kingfish is still very good indeed, and some very big fish have been caught. Snapper over 20lb (10kg) being regularly reported, and the kingfish are reaching prodigious size, many over 70lb (31.5kg). Kingis will only get bigger as time passes and we dig further into Winter. For some further info on catching Winter kingfish checkout Winter Kings
Just as a side issue, when is the IGFA going to stop this nonsense about separate World records for the so-called Californian Yellowtail and the fish that is exactly the same in the rest of the world.

Onward and Upwards

This is only a short newsletter this month, as I have been busy planning and modifying my web-site ready for the move to a new hosting ISP.
It has been a great opportunity to clean out some of the dross that has accumulated over the past couple of years. You probably will not notice too many changes, except hopefully pages should load faster as I have cleaned up much of the HTML, and reduced the file sizes of many of the images.
