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Fish with Bish Newsletter
November 1998

New ArticleCubing For Snapper
I dropped in a brief tip on cubing (or chunking) for snapper in last months (October) Newsletter. This actually spurred me into writing a full article on the subject, which is in the November issue of NZ Fisherman.

Fish Identification
One of the more interesting sidelines that has arisen in developing my web site (and exploring international websites and newsgroups) is the problem of various names for the same fish, or just as confusing, same name for different fish.

For instance our NZ snapperChrysophris pagrus is no relation to the various ‘snappers’ found in the tropics and Atlantic. Our kingfish (yellowtail kingfish) is the same as the ‘yellowtail kingfish’ found off California, but totally different to the ‘kingfish’ of the USA’s east coast, which is the same fish as the Australian and Tropical ‘spanish mackerel’. Our ‘piper‘ is known as ‘garfish’ in many parts of the world. Add local and colloquial names to the mix and things can get very confusing indeed.

On my site is a fish identification section which should help to identify the fish that matches the names used on the site’s pages. The list of fish ID’s is growing.

Smelting Time Again on Taupo
The time is here again when trout move into the shallows of Lake Taupo chasing smelt. It is one of my favourite fishing times. Combines hunting with fishing. Check out Lurking Around Lakes for the story on this fabulous time to fish. This type of fishing is not confined to Taupo, the Rotorua Lakes have this style of fishing as well.

My article for the December Issue of NZ Fisherman will be on the same theme.

Blatant Plug
My new book ‘Fishing Smarter for Trout‘ will be in stores around November 15. I have just received an advance copy, and even if I say so myself, (and I would, wouldn’t I) it looks pretty good.

While I am on this ego trip, my first book ‘Fishing Smarter’ on salt water fishing has just been reprinted, which is within the first year of publication – unusual I am told – so thanks to all those who bought it – and those who are going to 🙂

World Wide Angler Site
It started out as an all-American site, but now it is growing into a true international site, with articles from New Zealand and Australia, and elsewhere around the world. Well worth a look.











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