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Fish with Bish Newsletter
October 2000

Well, next weekend (Labour Weekend) kind of signals the start of summer (for us of the chosen race down here in New Zealand,) and the omens for a brilliant fishing summer season are all looking good.

Already plenty of good snapper are being caught in the Bay of Islands and down into and around the Hauraki Gulf.

The trout outlook is great too. Both the Rotorua and Taupo areas are reporting good numbers of trout, in good condition. Down in the South Island things may be slowed down by the deluges that have flooded many regions down there recently, but just like South Island rugby, it is bound to bounce back quickly.

New Article – Better Bait Basics

Fishing with bait is the most popular method of saltwater fishing in New Zealand. But buying a block of frozen fish deemed not fit for human consumption to use to attract fish that should be, is not going to optimize your chances of success…

Great Read

The ‘new’ Fishing News is looking great. Seems the amalgamation of Fisherman into Fishing News has meant that 1 plus 1 can equal three. It is a damn good read.

Flagrant Self Promotion

Talking of good reading, (never let it be said I can not resist any chance to get in some self-promotion :-), my latest book, ‘Tips and Tricks to Catch More Fish’ is hitting retailers shelves about now.

Be Careful Out There

Each year it is the same damn thing, on the TV news, on the front page of the newspaper:-
‘Fisherman dies, swept off rocks’
‘Three lost in small boat’
‘Four overdue from fishing trip’
‘Fisherman swept down river’

You know the story, you know the safety drill, so do it!

Some people reckon that life is not a dress rehearsal, one mistake can get you dead, so follow the simple rules, and come home safe.

Have A Great Summer, (and if you are not going into summer, oh dear, how sad!)

Good Fishing, wherever you are.
