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Fish with Bish Newsletter
September 2000

The September Newsletter – that came around a bit fast didn’t it? Well yes it did, as some of you may have noticed it came round so fast, somehow the August newsletter never made it off the keyboard.

Now what follows has only a little to do with fishing. The reason there was no August newsletter was because I was in full keyboard hammering mode *rewriting* my new book, Tips & Tricks to catch More Fish.

Rewriting? Sadly, yes! It is a longish story, but in short; I had all but completed the book, and due to my inattention to detail I had forgotten to check that my backups of the book were kosher.

Of course the worst happened. The file I was working on got corrupted, so I, thinking, what a clever chap I am for making a backup, tried to open the back-up file. No-no Tony, I had backed up the corrupted file. Silly me. Many bother, golly and goshes invaded the nearby airspace. So with the publisher muttering dark curses and oaths (and completely ignoring my suggestion that because I wrote the book twice, I should get paid double), I set to work to rewrite the book. Should be in a store near you (New Zealanders) in October.

So that is the reason August kind of disappeared in a blur of keyboard bashing.

Gimme A Break

No this is not a plea to forgive my lateness, but the title of a let us say whimsical piece I wrote on the subject of rod breakages.

I have managed to break a few, and I have witnessed many more rods going the same way. Some of the stories I heard in my shop to explain what happened to break a customers rod involved some truly creative ways to make a rod shorter.

Line Tips

For many of us, September marks the time when we get ready for the Spring fishing that is now virtually here.

If you had a good season last year, do yourself a favour and get down to your tackle shop, and get them to rip off last years line from your reel and spool up some fresh line.

If you need more encouragement check this out.

Well that is about it for now, recent events have almost certainly guaranteed a severe case of RSI or whatever is the latest buzzword. I think the only cure is a spell of physiotherapy using a rod. Mind you that can cure, gangrene, goiter and gout 🙂

Good Fishing.
