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Fish with Bish Newsletter
September 1998

New Article – One Step Too Far

‘Power Wading’ is the name given by a few lunatics to a new sport – might be a way to reduce congestion on our rivers. Have a look what can happen if you take that one step too far.

The Truth About Why Line Breaks &
Distortion is the Truth

When line breaks it is easy to jump to the conclusion that the line itself is at fault. But it ain’t necessarily so.

Line is the thing that holds the whole fishing tackle system together but too often we anglers take it for granted. Check out the truth about line.

Question Time

Can you recommend a good sharpener for these new chemically sharpened hooks I have just bought?
Don’t believe everything you read. Nowadays, despite the too often repeated advice in books and videos, sharpening some hooks out of the packet can actually blunt them.
Chemically and laser sharpened hooks are a case in point. These hooks are sharpened by removing metal from the point using chemicals or lasers, or both. You cannot get them sharper using a stone, you will only blunt them.

Why do my knots start slipping after a few fish, or on the next trip?
Poorly tied knots probably account for the bulk of lost fish. But following on close behind must be the knots that are not retied after catching a big fish, several fish or left tied on from the previous trip.
Even the most carefully tied knots will start to bind and bite in on itself after stress has been applied to it. Even if there has been little stress, knots will quickly deteriorate over a relatively short time, as mono tries to recover its previous shape.
All knots should be retied prior to each fishing trip, and it is good practice to retie knots that have just endured a big fish.
If you are having trouble tying good knots whip in and pick up a knot chart. Get some practice in. You should be able to tie a good secure knot, even with wet slippery hands in less than thirty seconds.

When live baiting for kingis my leader constantly twists up. I tie the balloon off to the swivel, what am I doing wrong?
It is vital that the balloon is tied to the rod end of the swivel. If you tie it to the hook end the swivel cannot swivel, and leader will quickly twist up.
The other problem is that a poor quality swivel will not swivel. When live baiting under a balloon it is imperative that good quality swivels are used.

New Book At Printers

My new book ‘Fishing Smarter For Trout’ has just gone to the printers, should be out late November. This is not a trout fishing book for purists, they will probably lynch me for heresy – it is a book on all the methods of catching trout, fly, spin. trolling and harling
