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Fish with Bish
Fly Fish Taupo

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Contact Bish

Last Updated:
December 10, 2000



Who is Bish?

Tony Bishop has fished for over 45 years in salt and fresh water. In New Zealand, the South Pacific, Europe and USA.

For twelve years, Tony has written monthly columns in New Zealand fishing magazines, and has made regular appearances on, and hosted, TV and radio programmes on fishing. Tony’s articles have also appeared in a number of overseas publications. Tony’s articles regularly feature on the web pages of http://www.worldwideangler.com/

A selection of Tony’s articles are available on this site.

Tony’s book, ‘Fishin Smarter’, on saltwater fishing in New Zealand was published in August 1997,  reprinted in August 1998, and is currently (May 1999) being reprinted again.

A new book ‘Fishing Smarter for Trout’ was released on November 15 1998.

For eight years to mid-1996 Tony owned and operated Just Fishin’, New Zealand’s best known fishing tackle shop.

Tony does undertake some guiding, with skilled fishers.. He also arranges film and TV shoots.

Tony is lucky enough to spend at least 3 months a year living on the shores of Lake Taupo, in the central North Island, the rest of the year in Auckland, when he is not away somewhere fishing!

This site is created, written and managed by Tony who can be contacted at tony@bishfish.co.nz

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To contact Tony about this site, or to commission articles info@bishfish.co.nz

14 lb Brown May 1998, click for full story and picture
Get the full story and picture of the 14 lb brown trout above.