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Last Updated:
January 08, 2001



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Taupo Tackle Guide

This information is a guide to the best all round tackle for use in the Taupo area.

Like all guides, it is just that, a guide. As in all forms of fishing, there are no hard and fast rules.

It is worthwhile to remember that the average sized fish in the area is 2.2 kg (4.5 lb.) and all the fish are wild fish, there is no stocking.
The minimum size restriction is 45cm (18 inches).

General Overview
A quick overall look at tackle in the region.

Big Rivers
Our bigger rivers such as the Tongariro and Tauranga-Taupo demand tackle that is up to throwing big nymphs and lures, sometimes a long way. Once the fish is hooked, the big water needs gear that is up to the job.

River Mouths
Fishing river mouths can produce very big fish. But gear selection is important to meet the conditions

Fly fishing in our lakes can be rewarding, and in lakes like Otamangakau can produce huge fish.

The streams in the area provide superb fishing for those who are willing to make the effort required to get away from the beaten tracks.

Night Fishing
Night fishing places special demands, but the rewards justify careful preparation. See these articles, Night Moves, Night Moves II, Booby Flies.

General Overview
Fishing in the high plateau area of the central North Island of new Zealand, where Taupo is located places special demands on the angling.

Firstly there is the wind to contend with. While we do experience fine, sunny windless days, days without some wind are rare, and days with 15 k winds and above are common.

Secondly the area is formed on a volcanic plateau so the rivers and streams are full of fine pumice which is hard on fly lines and reels.

Rods need to be good quality and have thick walls. Many American rods are very thinned walled to reduce weight, but these rods will simply not stand-up to being hit with heavy nymphs.

You, and your rod, should be capable of throwing heavy nymphs or large flies at least 50 feet, preferably more. If you are visiting from outside the area or from overseas, getting in some practice before you leave will gain you effective fishing time on our water. If you can get in some practice casting in the wind, all the better.

Reels with a drag system are best. Non-drag reels are to prone to over-run when a wild fish takes off downriver. Any reel you use must have at least 100 metres or yards of backing, preferably more.

Cheap fly lines simply will not go the distance. Firstly the pumice and boulder beds of most of our rivers will soon tear them apart. Secondly they can be difficult to cast longer distances.

Some other things to remember:

Only wool yarn indicators may be used in the area.

It is illegal to add weight to the line or leader. Flies may be weighted but there are strict rules regarding the size of hooks that may be weighted.


"Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?"