Tackle to Use
Fly Fishing In Taupo, New Zealand
Index>Lake Tackle
Lakes Lake Taupo: Most fishing on Lake Taupo itself is done from boats. Either trolling lures on lead lines or from down riggers, or Harling, which is trolling fly lines. But during summer there is good fishing to be had around the lake edges. During summer schools of baitfish, smelt, come into very shallow water to feed and breed. Trout will follow these schools into the shallows feeding voraciously. This is the time to wander along the lake beaches, wearing Polaroids spotting trout and fishing to them. Waders are not required as the angler should not enter the water. Gear can be anything from a six weight up to nine weight, but lighter gear is best. Use a 4 metre leader (12 feet) to a smelt imitation fly, Grey Ghost, Silicone Smelt, Muddler Minnow, Green Orbit, in size 10. If the trout are feeding very strongly, a cast in the general direction and a slow jerky retrieve is usually all that is required. If trout are observed on a feeding pattern, wait for the fish to pass then cast out. When you see the fish returning start a twitching retrieve across it’s path. An under utilised form of fishing on Taupo is fishing a nymph, especially over rocky or stony bottom areas. Just about any nymph can do, caddis, hare & copper, and gold bead. Cast out and slowly twitch retrieve. Also try a very small, 10 or less, Booby fly fished on a floating line. During summer, especially when there is a strong offshore wind blowing from behind the angler, try terrestrials, hoppers, crickets, cicadas & Madam X. Spin
fishing is allowed on Lake Taupo, but not within 300 metres of river and
stream mouths. Using spinning gear can be a great way to introduce children
to trout fishing, and when the wind is just too strong for fly fishing,
spinning can fill the gap. Lake Otamangakau: This is the home of very big brown and rainbow trout, up to 8 kilo (18 pounds) have been caught, and over 10 kilo fish have been found during Department of Conservation trapping. This area is more easily fished from a boat, but shore fishing can be successful. This lake features huge hatching of Damsel flies. So damsel imitations fished on as long a leader as the angler can handle, 9 metres (20 feet) or more are used. cast out over the weed beds and allow a long time for the fly to sink. then twitch back through the weed. Terrestrials work very well to especially during the cicada hatches. Often a small, size 10 or 12, nymph fished under the terrestrial will take fish. If you are not too purist, Booby flies fished on a fast sinking shooting head are also very effective, as are large Glo-bugs. Line weight choice is governed by the weather. This lake is a further 500 feet above Lake Taupo and very exposed so wind can be a very real problem. But despite their size lake Otamangakau fish are very shy. So scaling down gear size can produce better results. No matter what gear size you use your reel must have at least 150 metres of backing.
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