It is just too much hard work. First you have to wait and eternity for the bait to reach the bottom, and once there the only thing that might give and indication that you have hooked up is extra weight coming on the line. So you reel in all that line only to find a grand-daddy hapuku. Fun? Not!
Now a bait or jig rockets to the bottom and once there, every bump and touch can be felt through the line. Those who try fishing with polyethylene lines for the first time are simply amazed by the degree of ‘feel’ available.
Even better news, with these new lines you do not have to break your back or bank to rig up with a full on 24 kilo big game outfit.
Smaller high speed reels, on lighter rods make the whole experience so much more satisfying.
The extra good news is that this same rig will do very well for jigging for kingfish.
Some of the newer polyethylene lines such as Raptor have a profile that makes them a great casting line, so casting poppers for kingfish is another option.
There is more good news. Because the line is so thin, compared to mono of the same breaking strain, you do not need as heavy terminal tackle, so winding in rigs stripped of bait is not so much of a chore and a bore.
All in all, polyethylene lines are making for a whole new dimension in fishing, not just deep water fishing.
And here is the really good news, prices for these new lines have come down – check them out soon.